
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Marlborough DC
Require that all ships of over 500 GRT, that are not fitted with a voyage data recorder, that use the Marlborough Sounds on a regular basis be fitted with an automatic location communicator
Reply Text
At this time, the necessary bylaw clauses for inclusion in the Marlborough Navigation Safety Bylaws have been drafted reflecting the recommendations.

The Navigation Safety Bylaws are presently in the Special Order Process and subject to public submission. The Submission period closed on 6 August with Council intending to consider the adoption of the Navigation Safety Bylaws on 7 August. However, at its meeting on 7 August, Council determined to adjourn the meeting until 29 August. It is the intention at that meeting to adopt the bylaws after having considered all submissions and making appropriate decisions on 23 August.

I am aware that this falls outside the date of 19 August set by the Commission but can only suggest that once the Council has adopted the bylaws that I advise the Commission office formally of the outcome
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