
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Real Journeys
Specify maximum operating parameters for each of the vessels operating in Milford Sound, or put in place guidelines and procedures to assist masters to decide on the maximum safe operating weather conditions.
Reply Text
Recommendation accepted: Guidelines given are as follows, where adverse weather conditions exist or are forecast, masters should consider the following factors before deciding to put to sea;

1.Current weather must be visually assessed

2. Up to date weather forecast and weather trends must be assessed

3. Indicators such as waves breaking on the Milford Sound Airport Foreshore during Northerly and North West conditions should be taken as a warning of stronger winds further our into the fiord.

4. No Real Journeys ship will sail in winds exceeding 35 knots at the Milford Sound Wharf.

5. Excessive winds should be monitored visually and trends recorded

6. Should weather conditions be such that sailing may be questionable, a management representative and an experienced master from each of the other operating companies (Real Journeys, Red Boat, and at least one other) will confer and make a joint recommendation to effected masters.

7. Masters retain full discretion relating to the safety of their ship and passengers, as per Real Journeys Safe Ship Management Manual, and the Maritime Transport Act, referenced in Section 3.5.5 of the Safe Ship Manual.

8. Weather Data Logger, when installed will be used to determine weather and records used to show trends. This initiative is being lead by Environment Southland with full support of Real Journeys.

9. These guide lines will be reviewed periodically in line with new technology and changing weather patterns.
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