
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Require individual aircraft flight manuals to list those optional equipment items of operational significance which are installed in the aircraft.
Reply Text
This Recommendation seems to be a general response to a specific problem that existed because of the design features of the aircraft involved, i.e. reliance on the fuel contents indicating system, including optional low level warning lights that were not actually fitted, when dipping of tanks was not a practical capability.

The Recommendation, whilst it may go some way to preventing a further occurrence of this kind, will nevertheless bring with it a number of other considerations which, on balance, may show that it is not cost beneficial and imposes a significant workload to bring up to date the large number of existing aircraft Flight Manuals. There is also likely to be a degree of difficulty in defining both optional and operational significance, as used in the Recommendation.

It should also be born in mind that the responsibility for ensuring that a pilot undergoing a type conversion is competent rests with the (industry) instructor giving that endorsement training. That training is not limited to flight time but should also include extensive discussion, briefing and training on the aircraft and all its fitted systems. The endorsement is not complete until the instructor has ensured that the endorsee is fully familiar with all systems and operating parameters of the aircraft.

Notwithstanding these comments, the CAA is prepared to adopt this Recommendation in principle as a petition for rule-making and submit it to the rule-making process.

The action will be initiated within a month, but no time frame can be given for its completion.
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