
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Airwork NZ
Establish a system, in conjunction with any operators for whom Airwork provide maintenance services, that ensures any follow up maintenance action necessary after any maintenance, is correctly recorded and carried out at the appropriate time.
Reply Text
Please be advised that all corrective actions as recommended by your report and the internal Airwork NZ Ltd safety investigation report dated 5 March have now been completed.

The company Standard Practice Instruction (SPI 802.7.3), Servicing Advice Notice-Form AWS 5 dated 19/04/02, has been amended to include the requirement to inform the Operators Maintenance Controller by faxed copy of the completed AWS Form 5, and:

SPI 802.7.6, Rectification of deferral of defects has also been amended to include an additional paragraph to identify that: All in service defects away from main base shall be recorded in the Operators approved Technical Log and an Airwork South Island AWS Form 5 document.
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