
Recommendation Date
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The port company should ensure that a berth allocated to a visiting vessel is suitable. A prerequisite for achieving that is port companies having an understanding of the loads capable of being generated by vessels with large windage areas and whether the port infrastructure is capable of withstanding them.

On 21 February 2019 the Commission recommended that the Chief Executive of Maritime New Zealand promulgate, through the Secretariat of the Port and Harbour Marine Safety Code Steering Group, the findings of this report, in particular the potential dangers associated with securing vessels that may be capable of generating loads in excess of those that the port infrastructure can withstand. Port companies should have a thorough appreciation of the loads involved for various ship types as well as the load limitations of the port infrastructure.
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The Port and Harbour Marine Safety Code Steering Group is a partnership between Maritime NZ, regional councils and port companies. Its primary responsibility is to implement the New Zealand Port and Harbour Marine Safety Code. Maritime NZ will work with the Secretariat of the Steering Group to promulgate the findings of the report in that context.

As noted in my letter to the Commission on 6 December 2018 I agree that the issues highlighted in this report will be of importance to port companies and consider that a direct promulgation of these issues to port companies would also be appropriate in the circumstances. Accordingly, we will also engage directly with port companies and those who work on the ports through their associations and representatives. This will enable Maritime NZ as the regulator to make its expectations clear as to the actions that port companies should be taking as a result of the findings and ensure that they comply with their maritime safety obligations.

I believe that WorkSafe New Zealand will also have an interest in the findings of the final report. Maritime NZ and WorkSafe are co-regulators for health and safety matters in port operations, and we work closely together on all port safety matters. We will share these findings with Worksafe.

Once the Commission has released the final report we will undertake the actions described above. I will advise you after this has been done.
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