
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Mount Cook Airline
Establish procedures so that the pilot flying always reminds the pilot not flying about the appropriate technique for landing in a strong crosswind, each time such a landing is to be attempted.
Reply Text
The Flight Operations Department of the Airline fully supports the recommendations included in your letter of 23 February, and has been asked to implement them.

The implementation will be done in two stages; the first via the process that provides pilots with urgent or short duration material that is “must know”, our Operational Notices. That information will then be incorporated into the permanent manuals that document procedures; the Pilot Training and Standards Manual for the first recommendation, and the Standard Operating Procedures for the second.

I will forward you a copy of the relevant Operational Notice by the 31st March 2006, and the relevant manual pages by 30th June 2006. The manuals have a three-month amendment cycle.
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