
photo depicts re-enactment. In foreground right a stop signal on red. Rail tracks stretch from the viewer's feet into the distance straight ahead. A set of rail points in the middle distance provide access to a side track on the left. On this side track is a hi-rail vehicle with its headlights on, facing us.
TAIC re-enactment shows position of hi-rail lube truck. Photo - TAIC
Freight train SPAD A1 and conflict with HRV, near Morrinsville, 2 August 2024
Occurrence Date
The reported circumstances were that a hi-rail vehicle (HRV – a vehicle that can travel on both road and rails) and its crew were working near the Kereone crossing loop on the East Coast Main Trunk Line on Friday 2 August 2024. At about 1140, a freight train passed two red stop signals and entered the section of track occupied by the HRV, but the HRV had entered a crossing loop minutes prior. Thus, a collision was avoided.
[As initially reported. Subject to change. Not official Findings].