
Express freight Train 226, person injured while stepping down from wagon, Paekakariki, 7 January 2003
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Tuesday, 7 January 2003, at about 1928, a passenger who had alighted from an electric multiple unit train at Paekakariki was injured as she got down off a wagon of an express freight train. The freight train was berthed at the platform at Paekakariki and blocking access via a pedestrian crossing over the railway line to the public car park. The injured passenger was one of a number of passengers who climbed over the flat deck wagon to gain access to the car park beyond.

The passenger suffered a serious ankle injury, which required hospital treatment.

Had the train moved while the passengers were crossing the wagon, multiple injuries or fatalities could have resulted.

The safety issues identified were the berthing of a freight train to block the pedestrian crossing during peak commuter travel time, and the unlawful actions of members of the public in crossing over the wagons to exit the platform and access the public car park.

In view of the safety actions taken by the operator following the accident no safety recommendations were made
Paekakariki (-40.987431,174.953803) [may be approximate]