
Electric Multiple Unit Train 2643, passenger fell from stationary train, Silverstream, 12 June 2002
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Wednesday 12 June 2002 at about 1308, a partially-sighted passenger fell from the doorway of Train 2643 while alighting at Silverstream. The train, an Upper Hutt to Wellington Tranz Metro electric multiple unit service, had stopped at the platform but the last doorway of the rear passenger car, from which the passenger fell, was positioned off the north end of the platform.

The passenger suffered serious injuries that required hospital treatment.

The safety issue identified was the berthing of electric multiple unit passenger services at suburban stations.

As a result of the actions taken by the operator following this and other occurrences [of trains stopping short of the platform], no safety recommendations are included in this report.

Report includes inquiries 02-123, 02-124 and 02-125
Silverstream station (-41.147224,175.010321) [may be approximate]