
Tranz Alpine passenger express Train 801, collision between locomotives and passenger rolling stock, Christchurch, 5 April 2002
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Friday 5 April 2002 at about 0806, the locomotives for the Tranz Alpine passenger express collided with the stationary passenger car consist, which had been placed to the Christchurch station platform in preparation for the locomotives to be attached.

The locomotive engineer, who was driving from the lead locomotive, was not injured and major damage was confined to 2 passenger cars.

The consist was unoccupied at the time.

The safety issue identified was an incorrect component fitted to the locomotive braking system.

As a result of the actions taken by the operator following this and a similar occurrence, no safety recommendations have been made.
Christchurch (-43.540725,172.606665) [may be approximate]