
Passenger express Train 901 Southerner and stock truck and trailer unit, collision, Makikihi Beach Road level crossing between Timaru and Oamaru, 8 January 2001
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
At about 1055 on Monday 8 January 2001, a collision occurred at Makikihi Beach Road level crossing between passenger express Train 901 Southerner and a loaded stock truck and trailer unit. The truck had cleared the level crossing but the trailer was only halfway across when the train collided with it and derailed. Two of the train crew and 3 passengers were seriously injured and 24 passengers suffered minor injuries as a result of the collision.

A factor contributing to the collision was the failure of the truck driver to give way to Train 901.

No safety deficiencies in the rail system were identified and no safety recommendations required.
Makikihi (-44.629782,171.146154) [may be approximate]