
Express freight train 537, signal passed at danger, Ngaruawahia, 15 April 1997
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Tuesday, 15 April 1997, at approximately 2120 hours the locomotive engineer of Train 537, a southbound express freight, reported that the level crossing alarms at Ellery Street level crossing at Ngaruawahia had failed to operate for the passage of the train. Fortunately, no accident occurred. Tranz Rail Limited's initial investigation on the night of the incident revealed the signal controlling the approach over the crossing had both filaments blown on the stop indication bulb. The Commission's subsequent investigation concluded that the train had passed the signal at stop.

Safety issues identified were the need for locomotive engineers to be aware of the purpose and function of Approach Signals, and the need for timely notification of incidents to the Land Transport Safety Authority.
Ngaruawhia (-37.672213,175.151687) [may be approximate]