
Express passenger train T701 Southerner, derailment, near Edendale, 13 December 1994
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On 13 December 1994 at 1717 hours, Train 901, the southbound "Southerner" express passenger service between Christchurch and Invercargill, was travelling at 94 km/hr when the Locomotive Engineer noticed a buckle in the track ahead. He was unable to bring the train to a halt in the space available, and although the locomotive and three passenger carriages remained on the rails, all wheels of the trailing vehicle, a luggage van, were derailed. Safety recommendations were made relating to the safety deficiencies identified which were the training and supervision of key track staff, the clarity of instructions to staff, and compliance with established standards for the formation and maintenance of continuous welded rail.
near Edendale (-46.284778,168.796214) [may be approximate]