Crew injury on bulk carrier, MV Thor Nitnirund, Cook Strait, 20 March 2025
Occurrence Date
The Commission is investigating an accident on the Singapore-registered bulk carrier, M.V. Thor Nitnirund in the Cook Strait.
The reported circumstances were that a crew member suffered a serious injury when struck by a snapped rope that had been under tension. Crew members had been using the rope and a winch to retrieve lashing chains that had fallen overboard in heavy weather.
As New Zealand’s independent safety agency, TAIC is investigating this ‘very serious casualty’ as required under the International Maritime Organisation’s Casualty Investigation Code.
* a lashing chain is part of the cargo securing system, used to secure logs and timber cargo on the deck or in the cargo holds
The reported circumstances were that a crew member suffered a serious injury when struck by a snapped rope that had been under tension. Crew members had been using the rope and a winch to retrieve lashing chains that had fallen overboard in heavy weather.
As New Zealand’s independent safety agency, TAIC is investigating this ‘very serious casualty’ as required under the International Maritime Organisation’s Casualty Investigation Code.
* a lashing chain is part of the cargo securing system, used to secure logs and timber cargo on the deck or in the cargo holds