
Uean Te Raoi II prior to launching. Courtesy of M. Savins.
Uean Te Raoi II prior to launching. Courtesy of M. Savins.
Final Report into the capsize and foundering of the single outrigger passenger ferry Uean Te Raoi II off Maiana Island in the Republic of Kiribati, 13 July 2009
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
The Republic of Kiribati established a Commission of Inquiry into the capsize and foundering of the single outrigger passenger ferry Uean Te Raoi II off Maiana Island on 13 July 2009, which resulted in 35 deaths and 16 survivors. The New Zealand Transport Accident Investigation Commission was asked to provide within one month an interim report to the Kiribati Commission to enable the Kiribati Commission to report back to the Kiribati Government within the deadline described in its terms of reference. The Kiribati Government subsequently agreed to receive at a later date a full and final report on the accident from the Transport Accident Investigation Commission. This is that report.
Erratum to printed copies of Report 09-208: Please be advised that on the Data Summary, Page 4, the location details are corrupted in some printed copies of this report. It should read Republic of Kiribati. The online pdf file is correct.
Maiana Island, Kiribati (1.086208,172.993469) [may be approximate]