
Passenger freight ferry Arahura, loss of propulsion, Cook Strait, 24 April 2005
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Sunday 24 April 2005 at about 1150, the coastal passenger and freight ferry Arahura was approaching the entrance to Tory Channel while on passage between Wellington and Picton when it sustained a major loss of propulsion power. The Master was able to abort the entrance into Tory Channel and con the ship safely back into open water where the Arahura remained until power was restored. The Master then conned the ship to Picton, via the northern entrance to Queen Charlotte Sound, where repairs were effected to one of the diesel generators.

Safety issues identified included:

• engine room manning levels during critical phases of the voyage
• the adequacy of procedures covering the dissemination of information from the engine manufacturer.

Safety actions were taken by Interislander to cover one of these issues, and a safety recommendation was made to the General Manager, Interislander to cover the other issue.
Cook Strait (-41.225021,174.352512) [may be approximate]