
Passenger ferry "Quickcat" and restricted passenger vessel "Doctor Hook," collision, Motuihe Channel, 4 January 2005.
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
The skipper of the "Doctor Hook" made a distress call. Some of the passengers on board the "Doctor Hook" were initially transferred to the "Quickcat" for medical care and then to a Police boat. The others and the skipper were treated on board the "Doctor Hook," transferring to a Coastguard boat before they were all transported ashore for hospital treatment.

One passenger on board the "Doctor Hook" suffered serious injuries from which she died some 3 weeks later. The skipper and the other passengers on board the "Doctor Hook" suffered minor injuries. The passengers and crew of the "Quickcat" did not sustain any injuries.

The "Doctor Hook" sustained significant damage to its hull and superstructure resulting in it being declared a constructive total loss. The "Quickcat" sustained only superficial damage to its starboard bow.
Safety issues identified include:

- the navigational watchkeeping on board both veels
- the forward visibility from the conning position on board the Quickcat
- the possible fatigue of the charter fishing vessel skipper
- the separation between recreational vessels and high-speed ferr

A safety recommendation was made to the owner/operator of Doctor Hook Fishing Adventures. Due to the safety actions taken by Fullers Group Limited and Auckland Regional Council no safety recommendations were made to them.
Motuihe Channel (-36.793753,174.929895) [may be approximate]