
Jet boat CYS, propulsion failure and capsize, Waimakariri River, 13 May 2004
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On 13 May 2004, a party of 18 passengers hired 2 jet boats to take them for a trip on Waimakariri River, north of Christchurch. At the conclusion of the trip, at about 1700, while the driver of CYS was manoeuvring back onto the boat's trailer, the reverse duct jammed in the down, or astern, position. The driver tried to rectify the problem, but the boat was caught in the swift flowing current and was swept towards a motorway bridge, less than 100 m downstream. The driver tried to manoeuvre the boat, but he was unsuccessful and it collided with one of the bridge supporting piers.
On impact, the downstream side of the boat rode up against the pier causing the back of the upstream side to become submerged, allowing water to enter the hull. The boat quickly filled with water, tipping the occupants out and capsizing.
The driver and most of the passengers were thrown clear of the boat and managed to make it to shore a short distance below the bridge. However, one passenger was missing. The second boat was sent to check the upturned hull, which was being swept down the river. As the other boat neared the upturned hull, the missing passenger swam free and was picked up.
There were no injuries, but the jet boat CYS suffered significant damage to its engine and electronics.
Safety issues identified included:
• modification and design of the reverse latch assembly and the detent in the brake rod
• adequacy of driver training and the risk management of the jet boat operation.
Safety recommendations were made to the owner of Jet Stream Tours Limited.
Waimakariri River (-43.415076,172.645675) [may be approximate]