
Restricted limit passenger vessel "Freedom III", grounding, Lake Manapouri, 12 February 2004
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
Shortly before 0600 on Tuesday 24 February 2004, while on a trip from Manapouri to West Arm across Lake Manapouri, the restricted limit passenger/non-passenger vessel "Freedom III" grounded about 30 m past the South Arm Point West light.

The skipper and 4 passengers were uninjured. The boat suffered damage to its bow, but this did not compromise its watertight integrity.

Safety issues identified were:

* the use of electronic navigation equipment
* training for a Local Launch Operator certificate
* absence of passenger safety briefing.

Safety recommendations were made to the owner of Fish Fiordland Limited to address these issues. Safety recommendations made to the Director of Maritime Safety in TAIC occurrence report 04-202, the grounding of the "Queenstown Princess" in Lake Wakatipu on 13 February 2004, were reinforced in this report.
Lake Manapouri (-45.507189,167.436447) [may be approximate]