
Oil tanker, "Eastern Honor", grounding, Whangarei Harbour, 27 July 2003
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Sunday 27 July 2003 at about 0450, the motor tanker "Eastern Honor" grounded while entering Whangarei Harbour to berth at Marsden Point Oil terminal. The hull in the area of the bow, stern and rudder was damaged.

The "Eastern Honor" subsequently berthed safely at the oil terminal where the cargo was discharged. There were no injuries and no discharge of oil into the environment.
This grounding occurred about 3½ months after a similar incident involving the "Capella Voyager" (TAIC Marine Occurrence Report 03-206).

Safety issues identified for both the "Eastern Honor" and "Capella Voyager" groundings included:

· adequacy of provision of swell data for waters at the entrance to Whangarei Harbour
· adequacy of berthing limitations in adverse swell conditions
· adequacy of knowledge of a vessel’s physical movements over the vestigial bar in dynamic conditions.

In view of the safety actions taken by the Maritime Safety Authority, Northland Regional Council, Northport and North Tugz Limited no safety recommendations have been made.
Whangarei (-35.885782,174.546576) [may be approximate]