
Passenger freight ferry "Aratere", collision with moored fishing vessel "San Domenico", Wellington Harbour, 5 July 2003
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Saturday 5 July 2003 at about 2100, the passenger freight ferry "Aratere" collided bow first with the starboard side of a fishing vessel moored at Aotea Quay in Wellington Harbour. The fishing vessel, "San Domenico", and the quay suffered extensive damage.

The safety issues identified included:

· the undertaking of safety critical tasks while suffering from the effects of chronic sleep loss
· the adequacy of provision of medical data concerning sleep disorders in the Maritime Rules
· the adequacy of the requirement to report to owners and operators any condition that may affect the ability of staff involved in safety critical tasks to perform their duties.

Safety recommendations were made to the Director of Maritime Safety to address these issues.
Wellington (-41.267711,174.786730) [may be approximate]