
Commercial jet boat "Shotover 6", engine failure and collision with river bank, Shotover River, Queenstown, 12 February 2001
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Monday 12 February 2001, at about 1115, jet boat "Shotover 6" was proceeding down Shotover River at about 75 km/h with the driver and 10 passengers on board, when the engine suddenly stopped. As a result the driver lost steerage of the boat and it continued for about another 50 m before colliding with rocks and overhanging trees on the riverbank. One passenger suffered moderate injuries and the driver and other passengers suffered minor bruising. The boat was slightly damaged.

The exact cause of the engine failure was not established.

Safety issues identified included:

• the need to isolate the ignition system before undertaking electric welding on boats
• the inherent risk of loss of directional control due to engine stoppages in jet boats with single propulsion systems.
Queenstown (-44.984706,168.671095) [may be approximate]