
Commercial jet boat "Helijet 2", collision with rock face, Kawarau River, Queenstown, 20 August 1999
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Friday, 20 August 1999 at about 1410, the jet boat "Helijet 2", with a driver and 8 passengers on board, was proceeding at about 60 km/h past a series of rocky outcrops on the Kawarau River when the driver experienced what he considered to be a lock-up of his steering system as he rounded the last of the outcrops. The driver freed the steering by reducing throttle and moving the steering wheel from side to side. Meanwhile, the boat had entered a cove and the driver turned the boat to avoid a head-on collision with a rock face. The right rear of the boat struck the rock face, the boat slewed to the right and struck the rock face again at the right front of the boat. One of the passengers was severely injured while most of the others received minor injuries.

Safety issues identified in this and other jet boat accident investigations were:
• operational supervision of jet boat operations and standards
• driver training and licensing
• maintenance control
• passenger briefings
• occupant protection in the event of collision.

Safety recommendations were made to the Directors of Kawarau Jet Limited to address the safety issues.
Kawarau River, Queenstown (-45.003651,168.813515) [may be approximate]