
Fishing trawler "Dong Won 529", grounding, Breaksea Islands, Stewart Island, 6 October 1998
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Tuesday, 6 October 1998, at about 0220, the Korean stern trawler "Dong Won 529" grounded on rocks at the southern end of Breaksea Islands, Stewart Island. Because of forecast bad weather, the vessel, with 39 crew on board, had been on passage from the Solander fishing grounds to more sheltered fishing grounds to the east of Stewart Island. Before the vessel could be refloated it slipped off the rocks and sank. There were no injuries.

Safety issues identified included:
• poor watchkeeping practices
• preoccupation with non-watchkeeping duties
• inadequate shipboard policy and procedures
• lack of policy and procedure requirements from shore management.

Safety recommendations were made to the Director of Dong Won Fisheries Company Limited to address the safety issues.
east coast of Steward Island (-47.119672,168.210983) [may be approximate]