
(incorporating 97-202) Restricted Limit passenger ferry "Te Waka o Kapanga", groundings, Waiheke Island 1 February 1997 and Coromandel Harbour, Hauraki Gulf 29 June 1997
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Saturday, 1 February 1997, at about 1030, the restricted-limit passenger ferry "Te Waka o Kapanga", while en route from Waiheke Island to Rotoroa Island, struck rocks off the point between Little and Sandy Bays on Waiheke Island. None of the 53 passengers and four crew was injured but damage to the two rudders and propulsion systems was substantial.

On Sunday, 29 June 1997, at about 2230, the "Te Waka o Kapanga", on its approach to Coromandel Harbour in poor weather conditions, ran aground on Cow Island near the entrance to the harbour. None of the five passengers or two crew was injured, but damage to the hulls, rudders and propellers was substantial.

Fatigue, lack of training and experience, and absence of documented procedures and work instructions were the main factors which contributed to errors in judgement by both skippers. Safety recommendations were made regarding training, documentation of procedures, and safe ship management.

This report includes inquiry 97-202.
Coromandel Harbour (-36.805265,175.402608) [may be approximate]