
Bell 206L-3, ZK-ISF. Credit TAIC.
Bell 206L-3, ZK-ISF. Credit TAIC.
Bell Helicopter Textron 206L-3, ZK-ISF
Ditching after engine power decrease, Bream Bay, Northland, 20 January 2011
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
On 20 January 2011, the pilot of a Bell 206L-3 LongRanger helicopter ditched the helicopter after experiencing a significant engine power reduction while in the cruise. The pilot did not have time to make an emergency radio call, but the accident was witnessed by people on shore. The pilot was not wearing a life jacket and spent more than 2 hours in the water before he was rescued. He suffered minor injuries only. The helicopter was not able to be recovered from the sea for about one week.

The cause of the reported engine power reduction was not determined.

The pilot did not take appropriate survival precautions for a flight that was intended to be operated over water. His rescue was greatly assisted by the accident being witnessed and by a favourable on-shore wind.

The Commission made no safety recommendations.

The following key lessons were noted:
- pilots should have a flight-following arrangement or submit a flight plan for every flight to ensure that a search is started without delay should the flight become overdue
- the occupants of single-engine aircraft operating at low level over water should wear, not just carry, life jackets when they plan to fly beyond gliding range of a suitable landing place
- when a forced landing appears likely, pilots should activate the emergency locator transmitter as soon as possible and make an emergency radio call
- helicopter pilots who frequently operate over water should undertake helicopter underwater escape training.
Bream Bay, Northland (-35.957000,174.499700) [may be approximate]