
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation 1900D, ZK-EAK, landing gear
malfunction and subsequent wheels-up landing, Woodbourne Aerodrome, Blenheim,
18 June 2007
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Monday 18 June 2007 at 0812, ZK-EAK, a Hawker Beechcraft Corporation 1900D, was on approach
to land at Wellington when the landing gear failed to lower. The 2-pilot crew completed a missed
approach and further attempted to lower the landing gear by both normal and emergency means. The
landing gear remained retracted, so the crew elected to divert to Woodbourne where a wheels-up landing
was made. The aircraft sustained moderate damage consistent with a wheels-up landing. There was no
injury to the crew or the 15 passengers.
A fatigue crack in the hydraulic actuator for the right main landing gear allowed hydraulic fluid to escape,
which prevented the crew lowering the gear by either the normal or emergency systems.
Safety issues identified included the need to improve the design and inspection of the hydraulic actuator
and the serviceability of the hydraulic quantity low-level sensor. Until improved actuators were
available, the inspections and limitations put in place by the operator should prevent a reoccurrence of the
actuator failure. The United States Federal Aviation Administration, the airworthiness authority for the
aircraft, in conjunction with the aircraft manufacturer, has alerted other operators of the Beechcraft 1900
to the actuator fault issue. Because of the action being taken by the operator, the New Zealand Civil
Aviation Authority, the manufacturer and the Federal Aviation Administration, no safety
recommendations were necessary.
Woodbourne/Blenheim (-41.517816,173.869436) [may be approximate]