
Dornier 228-202, ZK-VIR, partial incapacitation of flight crew, en route Westport to Christchurch, 30 March 2007
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Friday 30 March 2007, Dornier 228-202 ZK-VIR was on a positioning flight from Westport to Christchurch, when the 2-pilot crew became light-headed and felt faint. Concerned about their safety, the crew was able to descend the aircraft and make a safe landing at Christchurch. They subsequently made a full recovery.

No cause for the effects felt by the crew could be identified. The aircraft eventually entered revenue service and no further incidents were reported.

The safety issues identified were the failure of the cockpit voice recorder to function as designed and the lack of portable oxygen for sustained flights at moderate altitudes. Because of the actions by the operator, no safety recommendations were required.
over the Southern Alps en route from Westport to Christchurch (-42.663882,172.166920) [may be approximate]