
PA34-200T Sceneca II, ZK-JAN, controlled flight into terrain, Mount Taranaki/Egmont, 30 November 2004
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Tuesday 30 November 2004, ZK-JAN, a Piper PA34-200T Seneca II, was on an air transport charter flight returning to Nelson from New Plymouth with the pilot and one passenger on board. After departing New Plymouth and obtaining approval to operate up to 8500 feet under visual flight rules, the aircraft struck Mount Taranaki / Egmont about 150 feet below the summit. The 2 occupants were killed on impact and the aircraft was destroyed.

The probable cause of the accident was the pilot unknowingly losing visual reference with the mountain. The pilot may have entered cloud as he flew south, been unable to distinguish the snow and ice covered summit against a cloud background or the nose of the aircraft could have obscured his view of the summit as he approached directly towards it.

The safety issue identified, namely the utility of terrain awareness and warning systems, was being addressed by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Mount Taranaki (-39.294056,174.065323) [may be approximate]