
Cessna U206G, ZK-EJG, engine failure after take-off, Ardmore Aerodrome, 2 February 2003
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Sunday 2 February 2003 at 1656, ZK-EJG, a Cessna U206G, took off from runway 21 at Ardmore Aerodrome bound for Waiheke Island. On board were the pilot and 2 passengers. After entering a left turn at about 600 feet, there was a sudden and total loss of engine power and the engine stopped. The pilot was able to continue the turn to position and land safely on the reciprocal runway. There were no injuries or further damage to the aircraft.

The engine stopped because 2 connecting rods broke, punctured the engine casing and seized the engine.

Regular technical analysis of the engine oil may have detected the impending failure of the connecting rods and their bearings.
Ardmore (-37.031336,174.974012) [may be approximate]