
Piper PA28-140, ZK-CIK, loss of control and impact with terrain, Amuri Range, near Hanmer Springs, 19 December 2000
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Tuesday 19 December 2000, at about 1700, Piper PA28-140 ZK-CIK departed from Forest Field aerodrome near Christchurch on a return scenic flight. On board the aeroplane were the pilot and 2 passengers. After circling several properties near Waiau in North Canterbury, the aeroplane was last seen at about 1745 heading in the direction of Hanmer Springs. At about 2100 the aeroplane was reported overdue to Police. At about the same time a local farming couple and their son, concerned about smoke up a valley at the back of their property, located the wreckage of ZK-CIK in an area of burning scrub. The 3 occupants had died on impact.

After attempting to cross a ridgeline, the pilot probably lost control of the aircraft while trying to turn back down the valley. The aircraft then impacted the ground in a near vertical attitude.

The investigation revealed that the pilot was probably not a fit and proper person, as described in the Civil Aviation Act 1990, to hold a pilot’s licence. Civil Aviation Authority procedures could have identified the pilot as not being a fit and proper person, possibly as early as 1991.

The safety issue identified was the then lack of formalised Civil Aviation Authority procedures for determining that a person was "fit and proper" to hold a pilot’s licence. Improvements to the procedures, especially since 1999, should prevent a reoccurrence of this type of accident.
Mt Leslie, Amuri Range, near Hanmer Springs (-42.591511,172.870388) [may be approximate]