
Airtrainer TRA 30 and Fairchild Metroliner III ZK-PBA, loss of radar separation, Bay Area Sector (5 nm south Hamilton), 1 July 1997
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
At about 1240 hours on Tuesday 1 July 1997 a loss of separation occurred between an RNZAF Airtrainer and an Eagle Air Metroliner proceeding in opposite directions five nautical miles south of Hamilton Aerodrome. The aircraft were under radar control. The Airtrainer departed from Hamilton Aerodrome following the Eagle Air Metroliner which had commenced a missed approach with a simulated engine failure. The Metroliner then turned back toward the VOR while below radar coverage, simulating an inability to clear the terrain south of Hamilton. Subsequently the radar returns for each aircraft closed until they merged on opposite headings at the same indicated altitude. Visual separation was advised by the Metroliner pilot as the aircraft passed.

No deficiencies were identified in relation to established standard procedures for radar control. However the incident underlined some serious misunderstandings of a Flight Testing Officer and a commercial pilot undergoing a test. Other safety issues discussed included the need for an Air Traffic Control Officer to be alert to what has been said before acknowledging a transmission with, "Roger", and the airline's understanding of the intention of the relevant information in the New Zealand Aeronautical Information Publication.
Bay Area Sector (5 nm south Hamilton) (-37.950001,175.308323) [may be approximate]