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Rail RO-2025-103: Shunt train, SPAD, North Island Main Trunk, near Westfield, Auckland, 1 February 2025
The Commission is investigating a SPAD A1 incident on the North Island Main Trunk near Westfield, Auckland at about 12:07 on 1 February 2025.
The reported circumstances were that a shunt train failed to stop at a red signal and entered a section of track authorised for a passenger train that was about to enter the same main line as the shunt train. Initial evidence indicated the train stopped about 150m past the signal and was about 140m from the part of the track where it could have collided with the passenger train.
In the event, there was no collision, no reported damage or injuries.
[As initially reported. Subject to change. Not official Findings].
Rail Newsletter: Long COVID affects operators of heavy machinery
Employers and managers of safety-critical workers, please note: workplace safety risk from after-effects of acute illnesses such as COVID-19. Can impair workers’ concentration, memory and thinking, including their ability to reliably self-assess as being fit to return to work. TAIC reports on…
Rail RO-2024-101: Loaded coal train 850, signal passed at danger, Cora Lynn, Midland line, 27 February 2024
Employers and managers of safety-critical workers, please note: workplace safety risk from after-effects of acute illnesses such as COVID-19. Can impair workers’ concentration, memory and thinking, including their ability to reliably self-assess as being fit to return to work. TAIC reports on…
Rail RO-2025-102: Safe working incident, Port Chalmers marshalling yard, 23 January 2025
Runaway rake of freight wagons ran on to stationary shunt loco while workers were coupling the loco to another rake of wagons. Workers got out from where they were working between the loco and freight in time to avoid…
Rail RO-2025-101
RO-2025-101 worksite incident, Main South Line, near Mataura, 12 January 2025
The Commission is investigating a worksite incident on the Main South Line, near Mataura a in Southland. The reported circumstances…
Aviation AO-2025-001 : AS350 helicopter, hard landing, Mount Madeline, 12 January 2025
An Airbus AS350 ‘squirrel’ helicopter was picking up passengers in Fiordland National Park. During final approach, the helicopter’s tail rotor reportedly contacted the ground. It landed hard with significant damage to…
Marine MO-2024-207: Pilot vessel Takitimu II, grounding, near Bluff, Southland, 26 December 2024
TAIC is investigating an accident involving South Port NZ’s pilot vessel Takitimu II. It grounded near Stirling Point, near Bluff, Southland at about 0500 on 26 December 2024. The vessel had been outbound to meet an…
Aviation TAIC investigating A320 engine issue during Wellington to Auckland flight
An Airbus A320-271N passenger aircraft, registration ZK-NHA, experienced an engine malfunction during its flight from Wellington to Sydney. The aircraft diverted to Auckland Airport where it landed safely. No crew or…
Aviation AO-2022-005: Boeing 737-484SF ZK-TLL, Incorrect fuel configuration Sydney to Auckland, 7 June 2022
Safety issues for Airwork Flight Ops: fuel checklists, crew training, control centre comms, weather info, crew compliance with manuals, safety management system. No new recommendation because all issues addressed. A…