
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 53 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
002/06 Aviation AO-2005-010 Mount Cook Airline Establish procedures so that the pilot flying always reminds the pilot not flying about the appropriate technique for landing in a strong crosswind,…
003/06 Marine MO-2005-207 MSA Present this report to the National Pleasure Boat Safety Forum with a view that the Forum determine the feasibility of private boats being registered…
005/06 Marine MO-2005-207 Strait Shipping Put in place procedures to reinforce the need for effective bridge resources management on board the company's ships. This should include the…
004/06 Marine MO-2005-207 MNZ Promote through boating education and safety bulletins and boat notices, the fitment of passive radar reflectors to small vessels, particularly those…
109/05 Rail RO-2005-124 ONTRACK review existing signalling and interlocking arrangements and operating procedures at Single Line Automatic Signalling crossing stations on the…
096/05 Aviation AO-2005-003 CAA Promote the early introduction of terrain awareness and warning systems for Part 135 aircraft, current and new, flown under single-pilot IFR in…
095/05 Aviation AO-2005-003 CAA define criteria for clinical parameters, such as peak aortic velocity, that would limit the risk of sudden incapacitation in pilots with mild heart…
104/05 Aviation AO-2005-007 The New Piper Aircraft Inc Arrange for Piper Service Bulletin SB 893 "Nose Gear Centering Attach Bolt" to be amended, so that the instruction step 6©, which is to…
112/05 Rail RO-2005-112 ONTRACK reinforce with track users that they request relevant train movement information from the train controller when seeking on-track authorisation, where…
113/05 Marine MO-2005-208 Strait Shipping implement additional training for all Masters and officers who serve on board the company's vessels to ensure that they understand the full…

1711 results found. Showing page 53 of 172.