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1711 results found. Showing page 44 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
055/07 Aviation AO-2007-005 CAA Encourage operators of aerodromes to apply suitable technological measures to complement procedural defences against runway incursions.
044/07 Aviation AO-2007-005 CAA Require operators of aerodromes where an air traffic service is provided and that have more than one taxiway available for entry to any runway to…
048/07 Aviation AO-2007-005 CAA Require Airways New Zealand to improve its method of promulgation to controllers of safety-related information and to demonstrate that the content…
051/07 Aviation AO-2007-005 CAA Remind pilots and air traffic controllers to comply strictly with the rules for phonetic pronunciation, particularly of numerals, and to seek…
045/07 Aviation AO-2007-005 CAA Adopt the ICAO definition of runway incursion and the ICAO Runway Incursion Severity Classification model, use a consistent process to investigate…
049/07 Aviation AO-2007-005 CAA Investigate, in conjunction with Airways New Zealand, whether aerodrome controllers, before issuing a conditional clearance, should obtain…
053/07 Aviation AO-2007-003 CAA Use this accident to educate pilots on appropriate landing and braking techniques, especially for remote and restricted length aerodromes.
054/07 Aviation AO-2007-003 CAA Require operators to provide an approved serviceable wind indicating device at remote airstrips used frequently for commercial operations, to allow…
036/07 Aviation AO-2006-008 CAA Define ageing aircraft, and in conjunction with industry and manufacturers develop guidance and regulatory documentation to help ensure the safe…
039/07 Marine MO-2006-208 MNZ Conduct a special inspection of Santa Maria II and other vessels owned or operated by the owner to ensure that they fully comply with all relevant…

1711 results found. Showing page 44 of 172.